Wednesday, July 5, 2023

I Cannot Vote to Re-Elect John Rutherford in District 31

 Dear Neighbors:

I’m writing to explain why I have decided not to vote for the re-election of Councilman John Rutherford in the 31st District.

As a resident who has lived in this district since 2001, I have seen a gradual decline in our quality of life with rapid, unplanned growth and poor, unimproved infrastructure. Meanwhile, I’ve been forced to pay 37 percent more in property taxes (something the councilman supported) and increased assessments to help underwrite pet projects that have not benefited our area.

Councilman Rutherford means well, but unlike the previous two council members, he has often been asleep at the switch (while riding on Mayor Cooper’s coat tails). And his logic seems out of step on many issues. I know I sound harsh, but my quality of life has been affected. When construction of a huge charter school at a major crossroads begins before we know about it, that tells me all I need know about the level of his leadership. The same goes for Culbertson Road, which is now unnavigable without experiencing potential tire damage. Our trees have been chopped to pieces in some places. Add to that the months-long closing of Pettus Road, and one feels more than frustrated. There are no sidewalks along major thoroughfares (posing a danger to pedestrians), and the Mill Creek Greenway is being surrounded more and more by sudden development. Antioch continues to be a garbage dumping ground.

There’s an old saying/question: “Is your quality of life better now than it was four years ago?” 

I still need to contact the councilman’s opponent, Dia Hart, to understand her vision for our community. I may end up writing myself in on the ballot.

I apologize if I’m hurting anyone’s feelings. I believe it’s time for important change.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of your week.

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